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EAF Refractories

  • EBT Taphole Brick
  • EBT Taphole Brick
  • EBT Taphole Brick
EBT Taphole BrickEBT Taphole BrickEBT Taphole Brick

EBT Taphole Brick

  • Product description: EBT Taphole brick use low silica,high calcium,high purity fused magnesia sand and large crystal fused magnesia sand as raw material,mixed with big size high purity graphite.

EBT Taphole Brick

EBT Taphole brick use low silica,high calcium,high purity fused magnesia sand and large crystal fused magnesia sand as raw material,mixed with big size high purity graphite, added many composite additives like metal and borides. Bonded with thermosetting and thermoplastic phenolic resin.EBT Taphole brick high density,high strength,high purity,good resistance to molten steel mechanical erosion, high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance.

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